Thursday, 20 August 2020

day 8 while in lock - down (oh no not another lock - down)

 Hi Bloggers

How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well!. Anyway when we were still at school me and my class were to... make a treasure map it was so much fun. We had to do all kinds of stuff. if you want to see my treasure map here is a link to it. Thank you for seeing my blog post.  Blog you later


  1. Hi there, my name is Brax and I am a Year 4 in Te Ana Ako at Waikowhai School. I really like that you care about us It made me think about when I did that activate . Have you thought about giving us more information? If you would like to see my learning, my class blog is

  2. Hi Alexandra. Cute photo of you and your cat. I found your digital footprint map very interesting! I like that you've added the links (especially the one with turtles). Maybe next time you can highlight the starting point on your map (unless I missed it). Tino pai!


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