Thursday, 15 October 2020

coding at lunch time!

 Kia Ora Bloggers 

What up?

I hope you guys are doing well! anyway cover the past two weeks Me and the coding club have been the first to have a try at...  Minecraft education edition it is so much fun. you have to cod you way to things. so cool right you also get your own robot. As I said "it is so much fun!" what is there else to say how cool it is. you have to press W to move forward and S to move backwards and A is left and D is right.  

blog you later 


Rocket Building

 Bulova Naka Bloggers 

I hope you are doing well during this Covid thing going on!. 

This week we have been making rockets has been so much fun we even got to have two pumps to blast them off with!. Me (Aley) , Anna ( my BFF) and Vivian (who is also my BFF) chose to work together. Sometimes the rocket did't blast off and sometimes it did. Our rocket ship blast off thankfully. Glorious Victory was in our hands!. It was so much fun and cool and amazing. (yay)